I'm searching for a specific journal article. How can I find the full text of the article?
If you have the name and date of the magazine or journal, use the "Journal Finder" to determine whether the library has the article. From the Library homepage in the box outlined in yellow select "Resources" and then "Journal Finder." In the "Title" search box type in your journal or magazine name to determine whether we have access to this publication in print and/or online and to find the amount of full text coverage. Click on the "Go" button to access the journal and to choose the exact issue and article you are seeking.
If you also have the article title and/or author, from the "Journal Finder" screen choose "Citation Linker." Fill in as much information as possible. Clicking on the "Find It" will link to the full-text, if available, or to an Interlibrary Loan form (ILL).